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Application for Undergraduate Research Program

Time:2018/09/13 11:29:29       Browse:

ICB Undergraduate Research Program (URP) has been running for 12 years. A total of 556 students graduated from ICB URP and many of them have been successfully enrolled by postgraduate schools around the globe with the strong support of their experience with and publications from URP.
After the URP Research Projects have been approved by the URP Management Team of ICB, the ICB Application Guide for School Year 2018-2019 has been finalized for students as follows: 



Title of Project


Study on the Sustainable Development of the Long Term Apartment Rental Market in Beijing


Analysis on the Performance of the New Listed Unicorn Companies in A-share Market


Research on O2O(Online to Offline) Business Innovation and Development


Research on Wechat Official Public Accounts in Colleges and Universities


Research on E-Learning Strategies for University Students


Business Models of Family Farming


Water Crisis Imposed by China's Economic Booming 


Methods of Data Analysis and Applications in Finance and Economics


I Candidate qualifications

All ICB year 2 and 3 students can apply for URP membership of their own accord.

Candidates will be selected against the multiple topic choice and ranking of GPA until all positions are filled.

II Policies and Disciplines

a. URP grades will be recorded on the ICB CAU transcript under the course title of “Practice for Research Methods” (4 credits) at the end of 2019 spring semester. The grades break into three parts:

  • midyear presentation (end of 2018 fall semester) and final presentation (end of 2019 spring semester) (20%);

  • attendance to guest lectures (about twice during each semester) and supervising (about 5 times each semester) (30%);

  • supervisor’s evaluation (50%)  

b. URP member students can withdraw from this program with the consent of the supervisor and the ICB URP Management Team by the end of week 17 of 2018 fall semester, beyond which the withdrawal cannot be accepted and unsatisfactory performance will be marked 0 credits.

c. Attendance will be taken for each lecture and supervising session. Those who are absent for two sessions without approval by the supervisor (for the supervising sessions) or the URP Management Team Secretary (for the lecture sessions) will be expelled from URP team and new member will be admitted to fill the position.

d. Required outcome from each group ONLY includes the reporting PPT at the end of two semesters. At the end of the school year, URP member students are RECOMMENDED, but NOT REQUIRED, to publish their research paper either in group or individually, on the ICB URP Proceedings.

III Application procedure

Please download and fill out the application form as attached and send the application form via email to Ms. Yan Qi, the secretary of ICB URP Management Team, at by Sep. 23. Valid application will be briefly replied to via email. Please check with Ms. Qi at 62737832 if no reply by Sep. 25. Late applicants or those with missing documents will not be short-listed.

After the qualification verification, the selection results will be publicized on ICB website by 2 pm Sep. 25. All students accepted are required to attend the Kick-off Meeting at 12:30 pm, Sep. 27 at the Reporting Hall of ICB office building. The tentative schedule for 2018 fall semester has been attached for your reference, and will be confirmed and publicized together with the recruitment results on ICB website on Sep. 25.

Attachments (same as downloaded from the text above):

Application Form

Schedule for 2018 fall semester


Any questions about the application and the program, please contact Ms. Qi: Room No.ICB306, Tel.62737832.


ICB URP Management Team

Sep.18, 2018